
As has been told before we have also planted out in our collectiongarden the Dutch Plantcollections of Sequoia, Sequoiadendron and Metasequoia. These are all only to propagate weel by grafting (see picture). For this we grow our own understock. Sometimes we graft to keep a specie/vultivar into existence or to create new things that often arrives as scionwood. But a certain part of the assortment is also grafted in greater amounts for the further production in a “Rocketpot” in to big deliverable plants. Aside from these three species we also graft a couple of products we find very interesting, and from which there is almost nothingavailleble yet. These we plant in our own tree nursery, so that we can acquire sufficient scionwood in some time. These are for example Picea glauca ‘Pendula’, Picea pungens ‘The Blues’, Picea pungens ‘Herman Naue’, Picea abies ‘Push’, etc. etc..



Beyond the cuttings, we also sow the Sequoiadendron giganteum and Sequoia sempervirens yearly. This is actually an hobby that has gotten out of hand. Because we have the Dutch Plantcollection of it, we are forced to propagate yearly our cultivars of these species. Because this will not work well enough by cuttings, we propagate them by grafting. To graft well it is important to have good scionwood, but also especially to have good understock. That was incidentally a problem for these relatively difficult species. It was hard to buy these every year and of a good quality.

That is why we have been sawing our own understock for 12 years now (see picture). Every year we make approximately 5.000 p9, from which the greater, heavy plants are used as understock. The lighter ones are used for growing them into deliverable finisht plants.



So every year we make over 1.000.000 cuttings. The making off the cuttings happens in the period of October up to April. We make then many cultivars of the following sorts: Abies, Cedrus, Cephalotaxus, Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria, Cupressus, Cupressocyparis, Ephedra, Juniperus, Metasequoia, Microbiota, Picea, Pinus, Podocarpus, Sciadopitys, Sequoia, Taxus, Thuja, Thujopsis and Tsuga. We can also propagate other particular conifers. This happens until February, partly under little tunnels with thin poly above them (see picture).

The other part goes directly under the mist system of the automatic gaintry (see picture). In February we remove the little tunnels and than everything is standing under the watergaintry. The first rooted cuttings will be delivered from March to our customers, which goes on until August. The cuttings that are used by ourselves will be planted out in beds in August for 2 years in the open ground. In that way we have our greenhouses and tunnels empty for a few weeks at a certain moment. We use that period to fully clean and disinfect our spaces. On this way we can start the new production period completely clean again, which we find very important.



Learning Company
We want to co-operate on a good training too. A part of this happens by the known ‘do practice’ at the company. This can be a blockperiode (solid days up to weeks) or for example half a year, 1 or 2 days per week. To receive this students, your company has to be qualified for that. This is being done by Aequor. They test if your company satisfies some specified criteria that are made for this (see picture). Luckily we satisfy these requirements.

The co-operation with schools (for example Groene Campus and Citaverde) and their teachers, that raised because of this, took us another step further. There are some topics at school that can be learned better on a company than in a practical lesson at school. While training nowadays gets more specialised, is it harder to give enough attention to all different topics. And the knowledge isn’t always there, too. If there is enough in demand on a specified topic, this could maybe be learned better at a company itself. For the first time we now give classes ‘Propagating by grafting’ in 3 shifts, here at our company, where we have the gear. Besides, at this way they can immediately see what’s required for caring. Because this was partly the initiative of the students themselves (see picture), are they motivated well and satisfied.







Between the many species that we propagate and grow at our company are some which we introduced in Europe. These are partly plants that we have selected and named ourselves in the past 15 years. An other part comes from good relations from over the whole world, like for example England, France, Germany, Poland but also America and Australia. We take a sample of the plants to a tradeshow where they’re also being judged., but this are often the commercially interesting plants. Others are being registered.

See list introductie.